10 Sep


“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Leadership – like any great art – takes energy, time, and of course, focus.

According to renowned psychologist Daniel Goleman, emotionally intelligent leaders learn to balance their focus three ways; simultaneously focusing on the self, focusing on others, and focusing outward on the broader situation.

“…a failure to focus inward leaves you rudderless, a failure to focus on others renders you clueless, and a failure to focus outward may leave you blindsided,” Goleman says in his article, The Focused Leader 

Honing in on these three focus points takes lots of time and practiced skill – but little by little, you’ll find your sense of focus is honed; ready to give you invaluable information about yourself, those around you, and others.

Take a little time to exercise your three methods of focus: 

Focus Inward

Pay attention to your gut, listen to your intuition; make sure you’re sensing all your feelings and reactions – not just the ones bubbling to the surface at any given time. Remember, you can and probably will think and feel many things all at once – each of those feelings is a valuable cue.

Focus on Others

Stay tuned in to every single member of your team. Listen intently to their perspectives, ideas, worries, needs, joys, and fears. By listening and hearing them, you not only learn important information – you give value, respect, and confidence to the individuals around you.

Focus Outward

Gain a broad perspective of every situation. Be aware of the dynamics in your workplace, tune into your workplace’ energy level, and maintain a big-picture outlook on your team’s successes and failures.

By practicing and balancing these three focus points; you gain incredible knowledge that helps you intelligently and compassionately navigate each new situation; becoming the leader your team loves to follow.

Join us at the Wellness Retreat to explore your focus