
Values – Individual Viewpoint

Back to basics – characterised by thinking and seeking out immediate satisfaction of our basic human needs. This is a quest of reducing pain and tension and reacting to the environment in a way that will ensure individual survival.

This is the level that’s driven by the individuals’ need to fit in and be part of a group helping the individual fulfil their need for certainty. That means they may allow external forces to control their thoughts, customs and conditions and they are highly valued by the individual.

The individuals’ focus now swings back to self and the emergence of finding their true identity separating them again from a group. At this level you can expect to see a strong desire for things to be done their way and this may lead to outbursts of extreme behaviour and emotion. There is a high level of spontaneity as there is no fear of punishment. Their only fear at this level is being disrespected or put down. At this level the individual is gifted with setting clear boundaries and has a strong voice.

In order to get ahead in life one desires more stability and structure. At this level the individual looks to rules as they become important and help guide them to what is deemed right and wrong. These rules may be political, traditional, religious or experiential based.

This level is about abundance and opportunity. A beautiful level to be for those creative and innovative people that don’t mind breaking some rules to get to an outcome. This is where more risks are taken, competition inspires one into action and there is value in analysing and being experimental.

Switching on affiliative thinking is customary at this level. It’s where the focus shifts away from self and your immediate environment to the environment within a community &/or on a global perspective. becomes concerned with peace within themselves, others, and the planet. Judgement dissolves as the ambition to collaborate on a grand scale converts to harmony.

Moving back to the individual, this level gives rise to simply being. The individual is in a great space, no longer having the need to prove themselves to anyone and fits comfortably in a space of belonging. Their quest turns once more inside where the fire that burns within is one of contribution, a living fire that lightens the darkness with ambiguity in thinking creating fluidity and flow.

Values – Business Viewpoint

From the business perspective, we will often be more reactive than proactive and that means we focus on what needs to be done in order to survive – to keep the money coming in.

This is where the level shifts to more focus on the core relationships (internal and external) of the business necessary to make the business function. It’s important at this level to understand that the quality of relationships determines the quality of the business and it’s success. In order to attract more money and gather more momentum the focus must shift to relationships.

At a business level this is typically where the true leader emerges. The one who is driven by passion, dares to stand out, they strive for more and who the people choose to follow. It’s important to remember that this is the point where much attention to branding is required to ensure the products and services of the business are in focus so the business can become the market leader.

At this level structure and order becomes a critical need for the business.This results in the generation and implementation of system processes, policies and procedures are created (or improved) and a maintenance process is initiated to ensure they remain up-to-date and relevant as the business grows. The risk of staying at this level is complacency, mediocrity and growth stops being a priority.

THE key word for business here is “RESULTS“. This is the level where you know how to get results and drive profits which is fundamental to the growth of the business. Innovation is absolutely critical at this level in order to create new, extend products and services and reinvent and/or reignite the passion, remain current and adapt to the market. Independent thought is required to be present within the business.

At this level business has created a mark (or benchmark) for itself for all eternity, taking a closer look at the business you begin to uncover all the moving parts and layers and the depth that has become this business. Working on a global scale now the business has branched out to include many adventure – a space of its own.

At this level business has created a mark (or benchmark) for itself for all eternity, taking a closer look at the business you begin to uncover all the moving parts  and layers and the depth that has become this business. Working on a global scale now the business has branched out  to include many adventure – a space of its own.


There is much yet to be explored and learned about the Global Values level and that’s a good thing. What is becoming even more crystal clear along this journey is that it is characterised by experiential learning, holistic thinking and at a spiritual dimension.