11 Nov

NLP – Develop your Personal Potential

NLP – Develop your Personal Potential

There is no doubt that when embarking upon a professional NLP training program, it will enable you to develop your personal potential to the full. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an incredible resource with a full to overflowing toolkit that helps with self development, enabling you to persevere and succeed, overcoming those day to day obstacles with a powerful mindset.

Discovering your true potential is about more than having a positive mental attitude, it’s about developing your communication skills, being able to instinctively match your language to those around you in a seamless fashion, and it’s about clearing any muddied or tainted perceptions and never giving in. If you think about those who you revere, whether in business or in your personal life, consider what it is that makes them stand out in the crowd for you. Usually, those who you think of as being exceptional are determined and resilient but also flexible on route towards the end goal. Disappointments and frustrations are an integral part of life but those who achieve have the ability to adjust their mindset and to not let these distractions impact the desired goal.

NLP training can help you to have greater all-round skills so that you can influence those around you in a positive fashion. Once you understand and embrace the NLP techniques, they become an instinctive part of you so that building rapport, motivating and overcoming obstacles etc are less problematic and your successes and confidence will grow. Developing good communication skills are vital and as people communicate in so many ways including through body language, NLP pays careful attention to communication at all levels.

Bandler and Grinder the founders of NLP, studied with great care the mental traits of those who achieved success irrespective of the obstacles they had to face, as a result, our ‘Become a Life Coach and NLP Practitioner program enables you to develop those key foundations so that your core being has greater resilience and is equipped for success. Think of it as reprogramming a computer, your internal hard drive has to be upgraded. This isn’t brain washing, this is about tapping into and developing those key skills that increase your potential for success on all levels. When you reprogram your mind, you can adapt to any situation.  Think of it as a user manual with all of the answers laid bare. When you embark upon an NLP training program, prepare yourself for the profound yet commonsensical data provided in bite-size chunks so that it all makes wonderful sense.

The only limitations to your success are those that you self-impose. Once you break down the barriers that say, ‘I can’t,’ and adopt the mindset that says, ‘yes I can do anything,’ you will be able to journey along the self development route. Absorbing and utilising the necessary techniques will be easier than you imagine and fun. It’s an exciting time. You take the opportunity to improve your life and to be able to accelerate your communication skills, to be able to master your own emotions and to overcome even the most troublesome of set-backs. It’s about setting yourself apart from others and striving home towards that end goal. Discovering your true potential has never been so easy or timely.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat and explore you.

01 Nov

Is it Time to Be Mindful?

Is it Time to Be Mindful?

How mindful are you? Are you the type to plan out your day and week in advance or, does life seem frantic and you go from one task to the next in an unorganised manner? In this day and age, it’s easy to get caught up in the flow of productivity and to be swept along by the daily demands of life but do you end up working harder and for longer as a result? There’s something to be said for approaching tasks with care and attention but there has to be some flexibility if and when things go wrong.

It’s important to consider your priorities and this includes both your personal and professional life. Striking a balance between the two is paramount to health and well-being but there’s always the temptation to work harder and to extend your working hours just to keep up with the flow of work. This can impact the time spent with family and friends causing resentment and fatigue. Sometimes, we take on too much and if this sounds familiar, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself why.

Mindfulness may be the solution; it can change how you approach life in general, enabling you to be more focussed and to pay greater attention to detail. You will manage and complete tasks more efficiently and increase productivity. Importantly, it also helps you to streamline those thought processes which can serve to hamper your progress in life, a muddled mind after all will not aid any attempts to be more efficient. Think about why you are doing something and whether it is important and if it could wait. To be in control of your life, you need to be connected with your inner self; to consider your expectations and goals and to be mindful in your approach will pay dividends. .

In the first instance, it’s a good idea to consider your strengths and weaknesses and to identify areas of development. What areas cause you the most problems and what can you do to change this? Are you working productively or do you feel frustrated by your workload? Mindfulness enables you to work in a way that is true to yourself, to have greater clarity and intent and this can make a big difference to your productivity and to how you feel throughout the day. Many people find they are unable to reach their true potential because they don’t understand who they are or their true strengths. They struggle to be mindful, they struggle to achieve and they feel lost. Life dictates instead of life being enjoyable.

If life is stressful, you may feel overwhelmed, indecisive and uncertain how to make important changes. Sometimes it is as simple as managing your time in an effective manner or planning your day but being smart with the planning process, this can increase feelings of control. At other times, feelings of confusion can muddle the way forward and you may need a little help to smooth out the pathway before you. If so, consider the services of a business or life coach who can help you make sense of it all and make life less overwhelming. When you make the decision to be mindful and to take control of your life, you can stride forward with optimism, focus and intent.

Create more self awareness at our upcoming Wellness RetreatContact us for more info