Do you spend too much time worrying about the past? Is it impinging on your present and your future We all have our own histories in life, there will be some unique experiences and some shared. Some experiences may have been traumatic – the loss of family or friends or perhaps through enduring toxic or… Continue reading It’s time to leave the past behind
Author: Evelyn Olivares
Christmas is a time for reflection, an experience that takes us through various emotions and memories – a journey full of twists and turns and joyful surprises – a time that brings drama, excitement, and a sense of spectacle, much like a theatre production. The enthusiasm, performances, and surprises can make Christmas feel like a… Continue reading Reflections
The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected…
How to Deal with Performance Outcomes “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results” – Winston Churchill Whether you’re looking at outcomes that are exciting, disappointing, or rewarding, remember that every step – whether difficult or easy – is a step towards your goal. Every outcome is an opportunity to discover what… Continue reading The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected…
One-of-a-Kind Brilliance
The Power of Individuality in the Team Success “What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else.” – Joseph Campbell Whether you’re running a sales team,… Continue reading One-of-a-Kind Brilliance
Moving Forward
Using Past as Fuel for Future “Who we are in the present includes who we were in the past.” – Mr. Rogers We all have them – those past struggles we’ve been through that both seem to confine us, hinder us, frighten us, and bog us down. And, however we wish they wouldn’t – those… Continue reading Moving Forward
Chi Energy animates all Living things
Do you have the motivation and energy to finish what you start? Perhaps you do, but know someone close to you that is lacking in this area. Do you beat yourself up whenever you seem to have no energy to get you through the day? Find it hard to drag yourself out of bed in… Continue reading Chi Energy animates all Living things
The Goodness of Emotion
Capitalizing on Natural Feelings “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller There’s a lot of hype out there about positive thinking. After all, being able to focus on the positive is a valuable skill. However, in the… Continue reading The Goodness of Emotion
The Magic Ingredient
Your Team’s Elixir of Life “No one is born a great cook. One learns by doing.” -Julia Child, My Life in France History is packed with inspiring teamwork stories; both fictional and historical. From family teams like The Marx Brothers, the courageous crew of the North Pole-bound ship The Endeavor, large-scale movements like aid abroad,… Continue reading The Magic Ingredient
Bundles – Lighten the load
Here I share with you a German Folktale adapted from the story – “Bundles of Troubles, Bundles of Blessings” in the book – A Piece Of The Wind, by Ruthilde Kronberg and Patricia McKissack, Harper, San Francisco, 1990. There once was a woman who had so many problems, so many worries, so many troubles… that… Continue reading Bundles – Lighten the load
The Elixr of Success
Tapping into Your Secret Powers The words “emotional intelligence” and “social intelligence” get thrown around willy-nilly these days; from university entrepreneurship courses to independent blog posts, you can find them everywhere. So, just what do those two phrases mean? And, more importantly, how do they positively impact our personal and professional lives? Emotional intelligence and… Continue reading The Elixr of Success