03 Sep

The Ballet Of Leadership

Training to Take the Leap…

“The feet may learn the steps, but only the spirit can dance.” – Amber Scott- Australian Ballet

 “There is a vitality, a life force, energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” – Martha Graham

Even professional ballet dancers – those experts who perform nightly at an elite level – take ballet class daily, every single morning.

Why? Because each day is a process of realignment and rediscovery. “A typical day of work for a dancer starts early with an hour and a half class to warm up and refine their technique,” says the Atlanta Ballet http://www.atlantaballet.com/resources/ballet-faqs

Dancers know their bodies will feel different every morning; sometimes perfectly in balance and other times off-kilter, sometimes fatigued, and other times truly energetic. For dancers, life is constant study; a form of research because their job requires them to truly tune in to their personal best.

Of course, you know where I’m headed – leadership is no different. The Enneagram acknowledges that life is a constant journey; an opportunity to discover yourself and your potential, and to tune in to your relationships to those around you.

That means that – just like a ballet dancer – leaders need to realign and rediscover every single day. Stepping into your leadership role each morning is not so very different than a ballet dancer stepping out onto the stage.

The Leadership Equivalent Of Morning Ballet Class

Each morning, give yourself the leadership equivalent of a ballet class. Develop a routine where you give yourself time to reflect on the week, set goals for the day ahead, notice your own emotions and energy level, and prepare to listen and learn from the members of your team.

Commit yourself to your work the same way a dancer would. And, treat yourself with the same kind of care and attention. The results will show reflected in your work and in your team members. Happy dancing!

Wellness Retreat