05 Feb

Avoid Self Destructive Behaviour Starting Now

Avoid Self Destructive Behaviour Starting Now

Happiness may be a state of mind but for many people, it can be difficult to see the world with true mental clarity and this can obstruct the opportunity to be truly content and successful in life. If you’re guilty of self destructive behaviour or of self-sabotaging your opportunities, your thoughts and actions may be paramount. Often, your thoughts will have been shaped by lessons learned in life and through your personal experiences. Actions, thoughts and unhealthy behaviours can easily be formed without your even realising and they can affect every aspect of your life.

If you turn back the clock, you can see that when young, you relied on your parents and those closest to you to teach you the right way to think and act but the human experience is all about making errors and decisions and it’s a huge learning curve. Those around you may have been swayed by their own experiences- both good and bad resulting in less than healthy lessons being passed on. Perceptions are easily tainted. Worse, these perceptions can continue to distort. In essence, they turn into self destructive behaviour unless you learn to understand your thoughts and behaviours and clear your perception.

It’s easy to act to extremes. Some people struggle to cope with all of the obstacles in life, they react unhealthily to emotional turmoil instead of dealing with their pain, they turn to alcohol or drugs while others feel a need to rely on those around them, forming unhealthy co-dependent relationships. When there is an intrinsic need to seek approval, you only serve to lower your own self-esteem or confidence. When you try to please people, your actions are solely focussed on this action and it’s easy to lose your own identity. Remember that this is your life and others should not dictate the way you live it, handing over control means giving away your power.

Everyone has negative thoughts but do yours cause all sorts of self-doubts? It can be easy to listen to the never-ending mind chatter that takes place and often you may not be aware that these whispers are causing you to react irrationally. Consider whether you have ever acted impulsively because you have listened to your negative thoughts before understanding the true reality of a situation. You may have felt guilty and apologetic afterwards, but instead of living with regret, wouldn’t it be better to switch off these negative thoughts and learn to push them away before they do any damage?

Because life is constantly throwing obstacles in the way, you may feel a need to over -control your life and to hold on tightly to the reins, which will rule out a flexible approach and ensure you stick rigidly to your plan of action. The future will always be uncertain so when you try to control every element of your life, this will only cause your anxieties to increase. Try to take a step back and release the reins of control. If you don’t, you could miss out on some wonderful opportunities. Self destructive behaviour will hamper your life in every way, if you are determined to make changes, seek out the services of a life coach who can help you to understand why you act and feel the way that you do and help you to move forward with confidence determining what you want to achieve and giving you the tools to ensure your life is successful, balanced and positive.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat and explore you.

30 Jan

Business Success – The Enneagram & Emotional Intelligence

Business Success, The Enneagram and Emotional Intelligence

Most business owners would agree these days that emotional intelligence is worth a great deal. This is because in business, people have to be able to work together productively and to do so; they have to understand their own motivations and feelings as well as to be able to interact with colleagues who may have very different viewpoints. This is why the Enneagram is so successful when used in the workplace and as businesses show real results thereafter, it is becoming more and more popular.

If you have never heard of the Enneagram, it is a tried and tested resource used both personally and professionally for developing greater awareness and emotional intelligence. Whether learned in an individual coaching or group setting, participants develop a unique insight into the nine personality types. Not only does this support the knowledge of their own type which is important for confidence but, it provides them with insightful information about how the personality types interact and affect each other. Importantly, just by working with the Enneagram, it’s possible to develop greater emotional intelligence intuitively.  

In the workplace, colleagues come together to develop new products, to troubleshoot or to learn new skills but each person will bring their own talents which may include technical expertise, strong communication skills or creative insights useful for product creation. In many businesses, there will be a certain degree of disharmony but through the influence of the Enneagram, the individual personality types can work effortlessly with each other building rapport and empathy and managing their patterns and styles of work more effectively.

Strong relationships within an organisation lead to business success and in turn, this leads to each individual being an important part of the whole. Whether working alone or as part of a team, there is a high level of understanding and an influential way of communicating and influencing, this all leads to more effective decision making, self-management and stronger results. Employees of all levels benefit from learning the Enneagram, as it improves their people skills and aids their settling into their role, content to work for a company that values their input.

All learning and development should be enjoyable and Enneagram workshops or coaching are fun and inspirational. The information makes sense however and is believable once a basic understanding is accrued. Attendees are able to see strong aspects of themselves within their personality type and to recognise traits in others. The information is highly compelling yielding many surprises which actually serve to make the development of attendees more relevant.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat or contact us if you have more questions

24 Jan

How to be successful in business and save your marriage/relationship

How to be successful in business and save your marriage/relationship

Its seems at times like the minority people have both success in business and a happy marriage at the same time. The stats above from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that around one in three marriages fail. The divorce median age group for males in 2021 is 32.1 years while for females is 30.5 years.

Why do marriages fail? Well one of the most common factors is the lack of time couples spend with each other, with their significant other and of course let’s not forget poor communication in their relationship. This is as normal for marriage as it is for business. So what does that mean? It means that to have success in marriage or long term relationship with a partner and to run a successful business it commands a lot of time.

It would seem that for most people it’s become a matter of sacrifice on one or the other, either to make a fruitful business or relax and save my relationship. This is a hard decision to make because one without the other does not equal true happiness and fulfilment in life. In order to live life at its best, to be truly happy it is crucial that we consider both. Unfortunately most people opt to work on their businesses, or careers and this usually leads to them becoming lonely and depressed. The question is can one acquire both of these at the same time?

Can I Create a Successful Business and Maintain a Happy Marriage-relationship with my partner at the same time?

The immediate answer is “absolutely YES”. The thing is for most people, they choose not to believe it is so, they think it is unachievable. People have believed over the years that you cannot accomplish this at the same time. They have this belief that, in their world, the wealthiest people most of them are alone and lonely, or there are always the others that are on their 4th or 5th wife or husband or partner on to the next one. This is because most people do not believe that they could grow a business together with their partners. Again, “what you focus on, is what you get, to the exclusion of everything else!”.

People have always wanted to go solo or with friends into a business venture rather than going in with their spouses/partners. Why is this? There is this belief that doing business with your partner will destroy your relationship. What often happens is that when you’re busy growing the business in the absence of your spouse or partner, your relationship can actually drift apart because you’re spending more time with others.

The ideal way to save and maintain a marriage or long term relationship with your partner, especially when your business is just starting, is to involve your partner. Together, dream about what can be, listen to each other and toss around a few ideas, look at the different scenarios and discuss the consequences, always consider the ecology of your actions, then you’ll get a real feel for creating and achieving success together.

The business will grow and it may become fulltime for one if not both of you. With this, it will build your trust, love and passion. The thing is, there is no role that you would miss for your partner to play in any kind of business, even if it is becoming a silent partner.

Having another commonality other than marital/relationship issues between you two, will obviously bring you closer and give you more reason to be together. There is nothing more beautiful than having a friend, a spouse, a partner and a business partner all wrapped into one.



09 Jan

Perfect Self-Awareness – Perfect Life

Perfect Self Awareness – Perfect Life

Do you want a happy life and to feel totally fulfilled? If so, you need to be true to yourself and to be self-aware. This may sound odd, how can you not be true to yourself? But in reality, there are too many people who pretend to be someone they are not and who live their lives by the rules of others –whether that fits well or not. So from this you can see that it’s important to be authentic and to know who you are, what you want to achieve in life and, to determine just how you want to live. This means, self-awareness is not just important but essential.

Self-awareness doesn’t come naturally. You have to work on it and decide this for yourself. Learn to explore every aspect of yourself. As life unfolds, your experiences change you but the essence of you, that true personality type remains within and knowing and understanding your personality type will also help you to make informed choices.

It’s important to recognise your needs and motivation. We all have them, some will be basic and yet essential, others will match your personality and be intrinsic to your future happiness. Once you understand your core needs, you will be able to ensure they are met. Your values are important too and form a personal roadmap that will guide your decisions and actions going forward. Live life with integrity and your life will change-for the better.

If you feel unsettled in your life, if you flounder and find it difficult to make decisions or to live up to the values of the person you think should be, maybe your perception of your personality type is false. This needs to be reaffirmed so you can start to consolidate this core you, so as to act from a position of strength. This is easy to do and simply means studying The Enneagram, the most compelling way to bring your true personality to the fore.

As you start to live authentically, bring your self-awareness to your emotions. Allow them to rise and fall and go with the flow. Be mindful of them and notice any triggers that cause your emotions to change. Be kind to your emotions. They are a true essence of you. Equally, learned actions and experiences turn into frequent behaviours and although most are hopefully positive, others will be self-defeating and will impede your desire for true self-awareness and authenticity. As you notice your habits, begin to change those that are in contrast to your true needs and future self.

What really motivates you in life? Consider your passions and your motivations. Discover your sense of purpose and go all after it with true energy. Life is for living and for self-discovery. Too often people lose their way in life, they deviate from their truth pathway and in doing so, they lose a little of themselves. Living authentically with full self-awareness may seem too simple to be effective but it is the most natural way of living and it will feel good to be true to you.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat and explore you.

23 Dec

Two little souls

Here I share with you a children’s parable about two little souls, this story has been around
for a very long time and interpreted by many in their own way –
this version is by Neale Donald Walshe

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul

who said to God

“I know who I am.”

And God said, “That’s wonderful! Who are you?”

And the Little Soul shouted, “I’m the Light!”

God smiled a big smile. “That’s right!”
“You are the Light.”

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls
in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, “this is really cool!”

But soon, knowing who it was…. wasn’t enough.

The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to BE who it was.

And so the Little Soul went back to God and said,

“Hey, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to BE it?”

And God said, “You mean you want to be…  Who You ARE Already?” 

“Well,” replied the Little Soul,” it’s one thing to know Who I Am,
and another thing to actually be it.
I want to feel what it’s like to be the Light!”

“But you already are the Light,” God repeated, smiling again.

“Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!” “Well,” said God, “I suppose I should have known.
You always were the adventuresome one.”

Then God’s expression changed. “There’s only one thing…”

“What?” asked the Little Soul.

“Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see,
I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way
for you to experience yourself as Who You Are,
since there is nothing that you are not.”

“Huh?” said the Little Soul, who was now more than a little confused.

“Think of it this way,” said God. “You’re like a candle in the Sun.
And, you’re there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun.

And the sun would not be the Sun without you.

The sun, would be a sun without one of its candles…
for it would not shine as brightly.

Yet, how might you know yourself as the Light
when you are amidst the Light – that is the question.”

and the Little Soul perked up & said. Well you’re God. Think of something!”

Once more God smiled. “I already have,”. “Since you cannot see
yourself as the Light when you are in the Light,
we’ll surround you with darkness.”

“What’s darkness?” the Little Soul asked.

God replied, “It is that which you are not.”

“Will I be afraid of the dark?” cried the Little Soul.

“Only if you choose to be. “There is nothing, really, to be afraid of,
unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up.
We are pretending.”

”Oh,” and the Little Soul began to feel better already.

Then God explained, in order to experience anything at all,
the exact opposite of it will appear. “It is a great gift,”

Because without it, you could not know what anything is like.
You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down,
Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right,
Here without There, Now without Then.”

“And so,” God concluded, “when you are surrounded with darkness,
do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness.
Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don’t be mad about it.
Then you will know Who You Really Are, and ALL OTHERS will know, too.

Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!”

“You mean it’s okay to let others see how special I am?” asked the Little Soul.

“Of course!” “It’s very okay! But remember, ‘special’ does not mean ‘better.’
Everybody is special, each in their own way!
Yet many others have forgotten that.
They will see that it is okay for them to be special only
when you see that it’s okay for you to be special.”

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, dancing and laughing and jumping with joy.
“I can be as special as I want to be!””Yes, and you can start right now,”

said God, who was dancing and laughing right alongside the Little Soul.

“What part of special do you want to be?”

“What part of special?” the Little Soul repeated. “I don’t understand.”

“Well,” God explained, “being the Light is being special,
and being special has a lot of parts to it.

Its special to be kind. Its special to be gentle.
Its special to be creative. Its special to be patient.

Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?”

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment.
“I can think of lots of ways to be special!
“Its special to be helpful. Its special to be sharing.
It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!”

“Yes!” God agreed, “and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you
wish to be, at any moment. That’s what it means to be the Light.”

“I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!” the Little Soul
announced with great excitement.

“I want to be the part of special called ‘forgiving’.
Isn’t it special to be forgiving?”

“Oh, yes,” God assured the Little Soul. “That is very special.”

“Okay That’s what I want to be then. I want to be forgiving.
I want to experience myself just that.”

“Good,” said God, “but there’s one thing you should know.” 

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now.
It always seemed as though there were some complication.

“What is it?” the Little Soul sighed.

”There’s no one to forgive.”

“No one?” The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

“No one!” God repeated. “Everything I have made is perfect.
There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you.
Look around you.”

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered.
Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~
for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this
extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear
what they were saying.

Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree.
None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself.
Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light,
that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.
“Who, then, to forgive?” asked God.

“Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!” grumbled the Little Soul.

“I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives.

I wanted to know what that part of special felt like.”

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad.

But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd. 

“Not to worry, Little Soul,” the Friendly Soul said, “I will help you.”

“You will?” the Little Soul brightened. “But what can you do?”

“Why, I can give you someone to forgive!”

“You can?”

”Certainly!” chirped the Friendly Soul.
“I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive.”

“But why? Why would you do that?” the Little Soul asked.

“You, who are a Being of such utter perfection!

You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright
that I can hardly gaze upon you!
What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed

that your bright Light would become dark and dense?

What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and
move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought–to come into my life
and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?”

“Simple,” the Friendly Soul said. “I would do it because I love you.”

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

“Don’t be so amazed,” said the Friendly Soul, “you have done the same thing for me.
Don’t you remember?

Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times.

Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced.

Across all time and in many places have we played together.

You just don’t remember.” 

”We have both been All Of It.

We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it.

We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it.

We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad;

we have both been the victim and the villain of it.”

“Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before;
each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to
Express and to Experience Who We Really Are.

And so,” the Friendly Soul explained further,
“I will come into your next lifetime and be the ‘bad one’ this time.
I will do something really terrible, and then you can
experience yourself as the One Who Forgives. 

“But what will you do?” the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously,
what will you do “that will be so terrible?”

“Oh,” replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, “we’ll think of something.”

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice,
“You are right about one thing, you know.” 

“What’s that?” the Little Soul wanted to know.

“I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy
to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something
very unlike myself. And so, I have but ONE FAVOUR to ask of you in return.”

“Oh, anything, anything!” cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing,
“I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!”

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

“What is it?” the Little Soul asked. “What can I do for you?

You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!”

“Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!” God interrupted.
“Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels.”

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul’s request.
“What can I do for you?” the Little Soul asked again.

”In the moment that I strike you and smite you,”
 “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine
~ in that very moment…”

“Yes?” the Little Soul interrupted, “yes…?

“Remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I will!” cried the Little Soul, “I promise!
I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!” 

”Good,” said the Friendly Soul, “because, you see,
I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself.

And if you do not remember me as I really am,
I may not be able to remember for a very long time.
And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are,
and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul
to come along and remind us both of Who We Are.”

“No, we won’t!” the Little Soul promised again.
“I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~
the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

” And so, the agreement was made.

And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime,
excited to be the Light, which was very special,
and excited to be that part of special … called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously
to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness,
and to thank whatever other soul made it possible.

And at all the moments in that new lifetime,
whenever a new soul appeared on the scene,
whether that new soul brought joy or sadness–
and especially if it brought sadness–
the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

“Always remember, “I have sent you nothing but angels

01 Dec

What’s your final destination?

What’s your final destination?

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve if you really put your heart and soul into it? Do you think you may be operating on only half of your true potential at the moment? Many people are and the problem is that their intention is less than focussed. Quite simply, most people don’t know what they want to achieve, they don’t know where they are at now, the starting point, let alone the final destination.

Are you caught in the quagmire of indecisiveness? Is your lack of direction a cause of frustration or are you simply stagnating waiting for a gift-wrapped opportunity? You may have an intense knowledge of what you don’t want, rather than what you do. You may feel frustrated in your career or are settling for a stalemate relationship and from time to time you may even wonder what else there is out there for you.

Does this sound familiar?

Never waste your true potential. We all have the talent and ability for success; we simply need to match enthusiasm and desire to the right goals. By setting objectives, it makes it much easier to achieve. They don’t have to be grand or costly, it’s more a case of listening to that inner you. The answer is there, tucked away inside, sometimes, it takes very little to bring those true desires to the fore. Ultimately, you have to be the one to pluck out your true calling and determine the right path to success. There’s no need to fall into a predefined path, unless that’s what you want. It’s possible these days to reinvent your life over and over if you choose to do so, there are so many opportunities, so many training resources, it’s possible to learn an abundance of new skills and try them all until you find the right fit.

So where’s your starting point? Perhaps you need to know yourself truly before you can move on with the rest of your life. If you doubt your skills or your self-esteem is low, then this could be holding you back. The solution is simple – if you want to reach your final destination you need to carve out a new solid starting point. Identify your needs, build your confidence, re-evaluate and test your way forward. Learn more about the real you. Strengthen your foundation for success and feel confident in the person you are. You can do this with the help of The Enneagram. This forms more than a starting point; it’s the key to discovering the real you.

Whatever your future plans, it’s important to not rest too long; don’t let life pass you by. If the opportunities don’t come, then create them otherwise you’ll never reach that final destination.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat and explore you.

01 Oct

When in Rome

Speaking Your Team’s Language

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Every single one of us sees the world differently. We have contrasting stories, conflicting ideals, unique styles, and specific ways of learning. In some ways, it’s as though we each speak our own language.

As a leader and coach, it’s important you speak the language of your team members. This means identifying their personality types, respecting their values and concerns, and presenting your ideas in ways that capture and hold their attention.

Like any language, learning to communicate with your team takes practice; over time though, you’ll gain the skills to speak that language fluently.

Sounding Out the Basics

Some team members are outgoing and social, some shy and quiet, others fun-loving, serious, ambitious, or reserved. Identify your team members’ specific personality types. Value these individuals for the unique traits they bring to your group. Instead of hoping they’ll better understand you, focus on gaining the deepest understanding of them and theirs.

Meaning and Context

Everyone brings their own set of values and concerns to the group, and these values and concerns will surprise you at every turn. Some team members deeply value collaboration, others working alone. Gain an understanding of each individual. Rather than trying to get everyone working the exact same way, create work that capitalizes on these team members’ specific values and concerns.

Become Conversational

Some team members’ will learn best through visual presentation, others through action, others through conversation, others by reading written instructions. Once you understand each of your individuals’ specific strengths, you will be able to effectively present your ideas in a way that captures and holds their attention.

Speak Fluently

The deeper your understanding of each individual on your team; the easier and more effective you’ll be in communicating your ideas. Likewise, the more effective your communication, the more powerful your progress as a group.

Join us at the Wellness Retreat to walk your own path

30 Aug

Stop Self-Loathing and Banish Ugly Thoughts

Stop Self-Loathing and Banish Ugly Thoughts

How often do you put yourself down? Probably more often than you realise. In fact, if you could take a slice of your thoughts and examine them on a daily basis, you might be surprised by just how many negative thoughts flood through your conscious and sub-conscious mind. Self-loathing – it’s something that none of us should entertain, these thoughts are ugly and unworthy and yet, millions of people worldwide do just that.

When you are young, the world is a wonderful place, filled with excitement and wonder and yet, as life passes, other people can make you feel inferior, unattractive and unworthy and that’s simply not fair. Equally, once those self-doubts set in, you start to question your thoughts, your actions and feelings. Negative reinforcement from those around you is really cruel. It stops you from seeing your true self-worth and instead, you focus only on your failings.

Once you recognise the slippery slope towards self-loathing, it’s possible to do something about it. Incorporating a few positive actions into your life on a daily basis will have you feeling much better about yourself and, rightly so. Negative self-talk is so damaging, far more than people realise. Self-loathing is often the end product and it’s a long road back to healthy self-esteem if it’s not dealt with quickly.

Most people will admit to having a few issues about their looks focusing only on the negative aspects of their features instead of seeing themselves as the person they are. But fortunately, it’s possible to train yourself to recognise all of the good features instead and to realise how lovely you are. Self-loathing can make you forget about all of your many accomplishments, but this is easily rectified, by making a note of all of your accomplishments. This could be anything from exam or career success to simply being a good friend or neighbour. You may find this a little difficult initially as we are all taught to be modest and not to shout successes from the rooftop but, it’s a great way to start appreciating your accomplishments large and small. Once you have written them down, spend time reviewing your notes and appreciate who you are really.

If your life is difficult and you are always juggling your daily tasks just to cope, then maybe it’s time to simplify your life. When you have so much to do in life, it’s easy to just jump on the treadmill of tasks and you might find it difficult to bring it to a stop. Taking a focussed approach to your life and making a list of all the priorities can enable you to strike a few tasks off the list. A simple way of life will put you back in control and when you feel less under pressure and overwhelmed, you’ll feel good about yourself and this is important.

It’s always good to set yourself goals or to learn new skills so why not invest in a course that not only boosts your confidence and eradicates self-loathing, but will enable you to communicate superbly and build rapport with others instinctively? The Enneagram is one self-improvement program you will love and it’s a perfect stepping stone towards a better life.

Are you surrounded by negative people? If you have people in your life that do not value you, it’s time to make the decision to make changes so determine to spend less time in their company. No-one should feel unappreciated or unvalued in life, and the secret is to spend time with others who are more positive and kindly.

Are you guilty of thinking too much? If you spend a lot of time on your own, it’s easy to over think or to have a lot of negative thoughts, instead, get out and about and do something fun or challenging. Your thoughts can work for you or against you, so it’s up to you how you use them. Many people have damaging thoughts and can feel vulnerable and less than confident as a result. Self-loathing will become a thing of the past if you can learn to appreciate your own value and to be kind to yourself. If you start valuing yourself, others will do the same.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat and explore you.

21 Jul

Making Redundancy Work for You

Making Redundancy Work for You

The thought of redundancy may be terrifying, especially so if you are worried about starting over in a new company or that you might not get another job for some time. While some people relish the opportunity for change, others shrink away from it and do their utmost to hold onto their jobs even if they hate them. But the odds might be stacked against you and you have to move on because your particular role is well and truly over. But you are not alone, more and more people the world over have to rethink their careers.

Redundancy may be daunting for you, even voluntary redundancy brings certain issues to the fore. If there is a good financial redundancy package it’s less concerning because the finances will cover you for a period of time while you draw breath and think about the future. But, if the package is minimal, it’s important to get back out there and be seen, canvassing for new work prospects as soon as you can, especially if the company is making many people redundant. Depending on the time of year, you may be up against school leavers who are keen to slot into employment, so even if you bring a unique set of skills, it is still important to consider your options in case you lose out on the coveted role.

Being made redundant can bring you a whole host of new opportunities. It needn’t be a time of trepidation but to be seen as a chance to re-train and to try out new areas of work within the marketplace. But is there something you would like to do other than your existing job? Is there some secret desire to do something completely different? Maybe you would like to set up your own company, perhaps you would like to take your existing skills and re-train to enter the market at a much higher pay grade? Perhaps you lack in confidence or need better communication skills? What can stop you from progressing and making the most of your potential? You can make redundancy work for you by considering all of your options and then throwing yourself into an area of work that really excites you. There are numerous training possibilities out there but it’s worth seeking out the services of a life coach, or attending a business event. While events may not always be government funded, consider re-training an investment in yourself. You can polish up your qualifications, your confidence and your skill set and it looks great on your Resume. Make the most of your redundancy payments, contemplate the future with relish, create a list of goals so that you have a clear remit to the future and then get the training that you need. Redundancy needn’t be the end of your career; it could just be the springboard to a whole new, financially rewarding job that will make going to work a joy each day.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat or contact us if you have more questions

11 Mar

Crisis Management – Tap into Your Inner Strength Reserves

Crisis Management – Tap into Your Inner Strength Reserves

When life starts to go a little wrong, you can guarantee that there will be multiple stressors thrown into the mix all set to confuse and complicate the situation a little more. This is when it’s important to be able to retain your self-belief and to tap into your inner strength. But what happens when your inner strength is feeling weakened by a situation and fatigue and nervous energy starts to set in?

Although a crisis can seem very personal and it is possible to feel as if you are slipping into a black hole of despair, it’s important to note that every day people are all under pressure and feeling threatened or overwhelmed by a change in their circumstances too. Like them, you have to dig deep to find the power inside you to resolve any issues. Knowing that others share similar battles to change their lives may eradicate feelings of isolation but there is much that can be done to improve inner strength. Deep down you have to tap into your integral survival instincts and to adopt the realisation that you are able to transform your life irrespective of any situation – no matter how difficult.

Whatever the crisis – grief, relationship loss or redundancies etc, it’s important to focus beyond the current situation, not so as to bypass the feelings of the moment but to know that you are bigger than this moment. This gives you hope and the realisation that this is all just one part of the journey. Life does not stand still and eventually, in time, you will have progressed through the situation and have emerged out the other side – smarter, stronger and more emotionally aware.

During any crisis, don’t be afraid to seek out support from loyal friends and family members who will be there for you – if only to listen. Ask them for encouragement and for their understanding. Having caring individuals around you will naturally increase your sense of self irrespective of the situation and with support comes solutions.

Acceptance forms a big part of understanding, coping with and moving forward from any crisis and this forms an integral part of your inner strength and coping mechanism too. Fatigue often occurs when there is a crisis so it’s a good idea to spend time nurturing your self – go for a walk and clear the cobwebs from your mind. Or just find a quiet beauty spot and sit and contemplate nature and all that is life. Find the time to discover more about you as this will strengthen your self-belief,  try out The Enneagram as this will help you to discover your core attributes – useful at any time but even more so during times of stress when you need to cultivate your inner strength.

Life is a myriad of ups and downs and it is impossible to live without experiencing life fully – this means facing the good and bad times with equal resolve. Remember that the down times make the joys of life all the more vibrant and providing you can believe in your inner strength and power inside you, you will know that you can ride the fluctuating tides of life and survive any crisis.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat or contact us if you have more questions