03 Mar

How to Get Motivated for Work

How to Get Motivated for Work

When you are stuck in a rut work-wise, the last thing you may want to know is how to get motivated at work. You may be hoping to simply finish work dead on time and to not have to go back – ever. We all have times when we suffer from a distinct lack of motivation for our day to day jobs, sometimes we hate the work we do, at other times we feel stifled by the lack of development opportunities. Perhaps we feel that we deserve a higher paid job, a more satisfying or even demanding role or, we just have a dream job in mind.

Action is usually the way forward but sometimes, we can learn a lot by simply standing still and looking around the work-place. We can see how others fare and those departments that seem to retain their employees. We can learn a lot by studying the management team, noting those decisive individuals who make fast paced decisions without even blinking an eye.  There will be others who have earned the respect of their teams by working hard and leading by example. There may be some who in your eyes should not be within the management team; perhaps they lack some of the more important skills.

You may not wish to be in your current role but if you can learn while you earn through watching others, then you will naturally gravitate towards a more senior role just by opening up your awareness. It may be hard to boost motivation, but try to tap into the various motivation techniques that are available and stay positive.

Motivation can start the night before. If you plan your day, mapping out all of the important tasks you will feel more in control of yourself in a professional capacity, if you have a team to delegate to, then sort out those tasks that can be passed on, if you want to learn a new skill set, write this at the top of the list to remind you to do so. When you feel stale at work, it’s easy to become unresponsive and unwilling to do more than is absolutely necessary, but the opposite works in terms of motivation and if you get stuck in, work hard and plan your progression, your focus will be renewed and you will start to enjoy your work more.

Learning how to get motivated on a personal level may take time. You may feel negative about your job situation and dread the alarm going off in the morning. If you are not sleeping well or are anxious, you need to tackle that situation first. Getting a good night’s sleep will enable you to cope with the day ahead much more efficiently. Fall asleep by implanting positive thoughts about your future career. See yourself in your chosen line of work, visualise yourself receiving a healthy pay check, or earning that coveted promotion.

When you wake up in the morning, take time to review your plan. Set each task in stone in your mind, and commit yourself to achieving everything that is on your list. Congratulate yourself when you complete all of your workload satisfactorily.

If you have problems at work, face them head on don’t let the situation fester. If you feel overlooked and unappreciated, have a word with your line manager, be professional and explain that you are ready for more responsibility. Prove to them that you are good at your job. Ask for training or coaching, or take personal responsibility for your own career development and organise some high-end business training for yourself.

If you want to learn how to get motivated at work, ask yourself what do you really want to achieve? Once you know your future goals, consider the basic needs so that you can achieve the role of your choice, you will find motivation comes thick and fast when you start the ball rolling.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat or contact us if you have more questions