16 Feb

Career Development – Securing a successful mindset

You know what you want to achieve in your career in fact, career development is important to you. But your vision of your ideal job and the actual reality may never have seemed more distant. So how can you bring your vision and the reality together and become more successful?

The problem many people have is that they have an idea of their ideal role but they may not have considered the strategy, hard work and financial requirements to make it come to fruition. Training and development can seem to be expensive but is a necessity. Setting up a business of your own will also need financial investment.

So where is the starting point? Learning how to produce a career development plan will become a useful resource forever at your disposal. Some people are filled with creative ideas. In fact, they could generate an abundant program of products but business legislation, marketing and strategy leave them cold. This is not unusual but developing a mix of these skills can help to make the path towards career success a whole lot smoother.

If you truly want to develop your career, then ensuring that you have the right business skills is vital. A sound background in business will help you to develop your business or your career sensibly and you will also have more confidence in your own abilities. One of the things that can and often does hold back career development is when a lack of confidence or skill set is present. It’s important to invest in the relevant business training to ensure your skills are up to speed. But training can be far more involved and targeted than just for the practical development side of work.

If you are feeling less than confident, it may be an idea to utilise courses on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which include motivation techniques and reframing that can change how you feel or/and act. Take a business coaching course; attend a weekend event or seminar that can help you to widen your perception and vision. Courses or individual coaching can help to eliminate the fear of failure that often comes when progressing your career. Fearful thoughts can have a powerful and yet, negative impact on you but if you select a course or event that is motivational on all levels, these powerful feel-good motivational messages and techniques can have you prepared to tackle anything.

Your mindset is unique to you. Nurture it, train it and coax it so that it develops into a powerful tool that is ready at your disposal for when you need it the most. Too often we look back at the mistakes we might have made in our careers when really; creating a list of all of the achievements to-date is the sensible option. It can be satisfyingly revealing when you itemise all of the successes and realise just how far you have come in your career.

It’s important to have someone to guide you, this is the same whether you are experienced in business or have your foot on the first rung of the promotional ladder. Whether it is someone in a higher position at your workplace, or, if you have someone in mind with strong leadership skills, reach out to them. Have regular coaching, discuss issues, and learn how to overcome them. This is important for career development growth. Career success is in your own hands and it’s up to you to make the most of opportunities around you.

Join us at the upcoming Wellness Retreat or contact us if you have more questions